Technological Integration Transforms Pharmaceutical Sales in the Healthcare Industry

July 3, 2023

In an era of constant technological advancements, every industry is experiencing disruption and revolution, and healthcare is no exception. The integration of technology has become a necessity rather than a luxury, affecting all aspects of the healthcare sector, including patient interaction, treatment, and sales. To adapt to these new realities, key players in the industry are transitioning from traditional models to technology-driven sales methods, reshaping the role of pharmaceutical sales representatives.

The COVID-19 pandemic has permanently altered how pharmaceutical sales representatives engage with healthcare professionals (HCPs). As a result, these salespersons must embrace technological integration to increase their productivity. By providing medical representatives (MRs) with practical Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions, communication with HCPs can be significantly improved. State-of-the-art CRM platforms offer a range of communication alternatives, such as VoIP calls, scheduled emails, and messages, facilitating more effective and efficient communication between MRs and HCPs.

Time management is another crucial aspect of pharmaceutical sales. An efficient mobile application can enable MRs to log calls easily by taking pictures of clinic nameplates or doctors’ business cards. The application’s image recognition capabilities automatically capture the relevant information, relieving MRs from the tedious task of manual data entry. Smart nudges within the application provide MRs with a summary of the day’s planned actions, enhancing customer engagement and streamlining their workflow. Furthermore, data analysis empowers sales representatives to assess medical specialists’ prescription trends, market trends, and current data, helping them make informed decisions and saving time and effort.

Despite the abundance of customer data available to pharmaceutical companies in the digital age, much of it remains unstructured and underutilized. According to MIT research, a staggering 80% to 90% of collected data is unstructured, making it challenging to derive actionable insights. Effective data analytics tools are essential for the sales team to leverage both internal and third-party data effectively. By anticipating team capacity, product specifications, and stock needs, data analytics can boost overall sales team performance. Implementing a robust sales reporting system (SRS) enables tracking of sales visits, improves turnaround time for feedback, and identifies areas for cross-selling and up-selling based on coverage.

The integration of technology into the sales process offers numerous benefits over traditional methods. Digital tools allow for easy storage, retrieval, and sharing of information over the cloud, eliminating version control difficulties and ensuring that everyone on the team has immediate access to accurate information, regardless of their location. This paradigm shift enabled by technology integration will reshape the pharmaceutical industry.

To further enhance productivity and stay ahead of the competition, pharmaceutical sales representatives can benefit from AI-powered applications. Smart nudges provided by these applications can increase productivity, save time, and offer a competitive edge. Integration of area planning to cover HCPs and pharmacies is crucial to reducing hassle, while seamless information sharing between the pharmacy and stockist enhances efficiency. By utilizing CRM platforms, virtual interaction, mobile applications, data analytics, and AI-driven features, MRs can forge stronger connections, increase revenue through targeted sales strategies, streamline data management, improve communication, and ultimately boost productivity.

The integration of technology into pharmaceutical sales is transforming the industry, empowering sales representatives to navigate the modern healthcare landscape more effectively. With advanced solutions at their disposal, MRs can maximize their efficiency, enhance their interactions with healthcare professionals, and achieve greater sales success.